
  • Revista Brasileira de Operações Antibombas

    A Revista Brasileira de Operações Antibombas (RBOA) é uma publicação on line, com periodicidade anual, de acesso livre e gratuito que tem como objetivo contribuir para a disseminação de artigos científicos, de relatos de experiência profissional e de resenhas de livros/manuais/normatizações da atividade policial especializada de Operações Antibombas.  O periódico é destinado aos profissionais de segurança pública e de defesa nacional, bem como aos professores, pesquisadores e acadêmicos das áreas que apresentam interface com a atividade policial especializada de Operações Antibombas.

  • Journal of Police Sciences

    The APMG Police Science Journal was created to facilitate the dissemination and facilitate access to scientific production in the area of ​​Public Security, mainly to those of the state military (police and military fire) linked to the Military Police of Paraná, carrying out the dissemination of research . Along with the articles produced by Paraná police officers, articles submitted by researchers from other Federation Units, or from other institutions, other than the PMPR, will also be accepted to carry out research in the field of Public Security.

  • Magazine of the Superior School of Civil Police

    The Journal of the Superior School of Civil Police aims to build a space for debates and reflections on issues that involve the issue of Public Security in a broad sense. Its link is with the Postgraduate Program of the Superior School of Civil Police (ESPC). The scientific and philosophical reflection proposed by the editorial policy is guided by the interdisciplinarity and the multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological that support the research.